Monday, December 23, 2019

Notes On Trading Profile And Goals - 1845 Words

Trading profile and goals Generally there is an enormous amount of information available to the traders. So in order to trade profitably traders should take only essential information into consideration for analysis. In this paper we trade a portfolio of options, namely 10 BHPC98 puts and 10 BHPC88 calls both with the same strike date and price as evidenced in Appendix B. The trading strategy we will employ is called a â€Å"long straddle† and is usually amenable to day traders owing to the availability of stop loss orders on the Commsec platform. Information such as companies’ circumstances, media announcements, public reports and historical data are all important information available to establish a trading profile and goals. For example, this trade works best when an imminent announcement is pending that increases implied volatility or impacts on the share price significantly. One such occasion would be a half year reports due out in February 2016. Thus, in the process of building the trade w e distill our trading profile. This trade requires fundamental analysis (and completely avoids technical analysis), which is based on traditional economic theory and focuses on the fundamental value inside a company. Usually this involves taking the company’s macro-economic form, future opportunities and operating conditions as measurements to estimate their market value. With this information we can determine the worth of At the Money options (ATM) required to set up the long straddle.Show MoreRelatedAccounting Finance Questions1228 Words   |  5 Pagesinclude audit reports. * Advantages – * Access to capital for growth – listing gives you the opportunity to raise capital to fund acquisitions and/or organic growth. * Higher public and investor profile – listing generally raises your organisation’s public profile with customers, suppliers, investors and the media. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Children in Horror Free Essays

With the release of Orphan upon us, it seems as good a time as any to consider the role that kids have played in the horror genre. Other groups have fairly consistent, even ritualized roles in films. Men as antagonists are usually the threat of aggressive male sexuality, wielding phallic weaponry and chasing down hapless female victims. We will write a custom essay sample on Children in Horror or any similar topic only for you Order Now Women are either the sexualized teenaged victim, the virginal survivor, or in some classic horror, the threat of female social and sexual empowerment to male hegemony. But children in horror movies have not had such a stable role. There are, however, three major trends in the way children fit into horror plots. We’ll call them â€Å"the silent witness,† â€Å"the creepy little kid,† and â€Å"the un-victim. † The silent witness is used most commonly in ghost films like The Messengers and Mirrors. These characters often don’t speak at all (perhaps due to some earlier trauma or developmental shortfall) or they only speak in short, cryptic messages. The driving notion behind these characters is that in their innocence they don’t know to be scared of the ghosts and ghoulies, or in other cases, they retain some knowledge of trust or secret about life that we as adults have forgotten. Either way, these characters represent an almost covetous reverence for the ideal of childhood innocence. The sound of the child’s laughter is usually central to at least one scene, reminding us again of the child’s innocence, but also implying that the child is not alone. One of the most elegant, though not central, uses of this character type is in Close Encounters of the Third Kind in the scene when the child, Barry, goes missing. Of course everyone’s favorite use of children in horror movies is the creepy little kid. This is the category that Orphan falls under and also incorporates a lot of ghost films like The Grudge and The Unborn, but it can also include demon-child movies like The Omen. The protagonists of these films are often the parents, or adopted parents, of the creepy kid in question, and these films play subliminally on oedipal anxieties. In films where the kid is a ghost, it will sometimes be â€Å"the good ghost† who is trying to warn and protect the other characters. But even if the child ghost is not benevolent, it’s still usually not the embodiment of pure rage that ghosts of adult men tend to be. Instead, the threat they pose is usually more akin to a trapped animal, and often these characters are associated with a specific animal or take on animalistic traits. Whether alive or dead though, creepy little girls have become iconic within the horror genre. With sunken eyes, perfect hair, and always the same style of going-to-church dress, the image of the creepy little girl has become standardized, but the fact that it still remains creepy while being so familiar is a testament to its ability to strike a deep psychological chord with the audience. In many ways the creepy little girl is the flip side of the silent witness character. Both imply that young children know more about their surroundings than they let on, but whereas the silent witness can’t communicate, the creepy little girl won’t, inevitably to nefarious ends. Where the silent witness represents the purity and innocence of childhood, the creepy little kid represents all the cruelty and selfishness that children are capable of. Finally, there is what I like to call the un-victim. These are the kids in movies who get chased by the bad guys, but everyone knows they’re going to live through the end of the film. Classic examples would be Tommy Jarvis in Friday the 13th Part IV, or Reggie in Part V. A more recent example would be the two kids in Signs. These kids are un-victims because they’re threatened through the entire movie, but never get killed off because killing a kid in a movie is going too far for most filmmakers (though apparently not for Lars Von Trier in Antichrist). As a result, these kids end up being a sort of safety blanket for the viewer. We know that they’re safe, and therefore we allow them to provide us some security and even the occasional moment of levity. For many horror fans though, these kids turn into an annoyance very quickly (Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds). This is of course not at all comprehensive. Films that break these molds are often far better off for it, as just in general movies that buck or reverse trends and stereotypes are usually more creative and better made movies. Plus, this summary does not include demonic pregnancy movies like Rosemary’s Baby, or movies aimed at children like Gremlins. And then there are a few movies that merge and meld these tropes together. Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining has not only the prototypical creepy little girls, but Danny Torrance incorporates all three character tropes. He is himself a creepy little kid at times, but at other times he acts as the silent witness. But then in the third act when the emphasis of the film begins to shift towards Jack’s insanity, Danny becomes an un-victim. So this is by no means a bible of children in horror movies, but it is an interesting topic to contemplate how children factor into a genre that is specifically meant to not be seen by them. Adults have always had a very interesting and compelling relationship with notions of childhood, and it’s certainly not insignificant that children, in one role or another, find their way so consistently into the horror genre, where all the fears and anxieties of the human psyche find their voice. How to cite Children in Horror, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Customer profitability free essay sample

Pilgrim Bank (A) is a case that analyzes customer profitability in a retail banking setting. It explores a business phenomenon common to the retail banking industry and, within this context, acquaints you with the types of managerial questions that can be made by data analysis. As a recently hired analyst, Alan Green (your group’s role) has data on a sample of customers and must make recommendations about whether the bank should charge fees or offer rebates for use of the online channel. The data consist of customer-level information on demographics, online channel use, and profitability. The dataset is now available for downloading on our course blackboard website. The first worksheet is â€Å"Definition of Variables† and the second worksheet is the dataset. Link to purchase Pilgrim Bank Case: https://cb. hbsp. harvard. edu:443/cbmp/access/25928453 Requirements: Write a business report summarizing your analysis and findings. The report should include the answers to the following assigned questions, which are useful when Alan Green (or your group) meets with Ravi Raman next Monday morning. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer profitability or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Remember to support/justify your answers. How do retail banks make money from their customers? How much variation is there in profit across customers? Based on this, what do you recommend the bank do in terms of matching service levels to customer profit levels? 2. Based on the sample of customer data for 1999, what can you conclude about average customer profitability for pilgrim Bank’s entire customer population? 3. Is the difference in average profitability between online and offline customers in the sample indicative of a meaningful difference in probability across these groups for Pilgrim Bank’s entire customer population? What role does customer demographics play in analyzing customer profitability for online and offline customers? 1 5. What is your recommendation to the senior management team in terms of Pilgrim Bank’s online channel pricing strategy? Should the bank charge fees, offer rebates, or do nothing in regards to pricing for online channel use? As always, be careful when making recommendations to the senior management team. You should provide enough explanations/justifications with data analysis (statistic tests). The main text of your report should NOT be longer than SIX pages (double-spaced, 1-1. 5 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 pt font). You can provide some results of your data analysis in appendix which will not count toward the maximum page length. Please have ONE member of your group submit the assignment to both Blackboard and to turnitin. com (course ID: 7434367; enrollment password: winter2014) by Friday April 4 at 11:00pm. Remember to include the group cover page with your submission. Please see information posted on Blackboard for detailed submission instructions.